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Monday, 29 February 2016

"Money Changes Everything"-Cyndi Lauper

Fact: Money Makes the World Go ‘Round

Sociologists, economists and psychologists have been researching and analyzing various statistics to figure out what brought our unexpected move back home. After much painstaking data collection some of the following reasons were discovered:
Financial problems from high credit 
&student loan debt
Tight job market
Prohibitive cost of housing

Conclusion: according to recent statistics, fewer and fewer children expect to have it better than their parents. Most of us move home with the best of intentions, which is to primarily to save money for major life goals. But when it comes down to putting out money where our mouths are, we find ourselves falling short of our goals. Here are some times for getting that money to stop running away from your bank account:
 Survival Tip: Dust Off Your Calculator
A) Be Your Own Detective: Channel your inner Sherlock Holmes and track your expenses! Be it your morning latte, late night pizza-it’s a cost that needs to be noted. Break down your expenses into those that are fixed (i.e. phone bills/loans) and those that are recreational (going to the movies or out to dinner with friends). Check out the top 7 money saving apps here!
B) Prioritize: Just because you have more money at your disposal doesn’t mean you should go to the bar more or dine out every night. Show your finances (and parents) some respect and responsibility. It’s okay to say “No” sometimes to spending. Trust me, you’re not missing out on much.
C) Words of the Wise: Parents are helping you save money and achieving your crazy life goal of growing up. They also provide great advice on how to get to where you want to be…they were in your shoes once remember? Pick their brain for some money saving tips!
D) Set financial goals: How much do you want to save within a certain time? How much do you need to have saved to feel comfortable moving out? 

Remember: Living at home isn’t suppose to be a free ride to having more fun, it’s to help you push your life forward in the long run. So get achieving those goals! Just for some inspiration...

1 comment:

  1. Lauren you give such spot on advice. I think your take on the boomerang effect is the best one I have read anywhere. So many of the commentaries are from the perspective of the baby boomers. Thanks for bring a practical and nuanced view to the situation.
